Where R U man?

To begin with, you need to know that my last place of residence was Alexandria in Egypt. Thus, it is there that everything begins (does this not remind you of the primary school days???). From there, we (you and me – if you are with me) are setting out down south to Khartoum, the capital of Sudan (we were all slightly weaker in geography than in history, weren’t we now?). From there, we are going to continue down a little bit to the right - or to the left, depending on your point of view – eastward, in any case. Not up towards the sea. No, there is Somalia there! I like when improbable stories happen to me and the moments, when to say to myself "be sure, very soon you are going to be laughing about this," but there are risks so grave, they bring on a mental block. Probably the last loony tourist who wandered to Somalia was arrested within one week of his arrival. The guys there simply could not believe that he was only a tourist. So, they didn’t let him enter and he was forced to leave – a few kilos lighter, I believe. Therefore, no, no, none of that for me! Instead, we are going to make a stop in Ethiopia. And then, from there it is an easy straight line all the way down to Cape Town! (No, no, this is not the capital of South Africa, just the southern-most city of the continent.) Apart from that, we are just going to make a small detour after Tanzania – in order to pass through Malawi, Zaire and Botswana. The reason being, that the visas there are pleasantly inexpensive.
Well, that it is the roughly sketched pre-planned route. If you would like to propose any alterations, be my guest. I’m waiting for your proposals. We discuss it together and we make a collective decision. Don’t worry, I'll find a way to persuade you that it is collective (I am a huge fan of our democratic system)!
For the cartographers, or the illiterates

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